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Hermann Göring Division aka late DAK list

Hermann Göring Division aka late DAK list

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The first games

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 2

My Division clashed with an armoured dessert rats platoon last night in two games. (sadly no pictures) The first game was Demolition( the markers was two supplies depots) , it was much like in reality it was a battle of manoeuvrer. It was a race to be the first to get troops down in the enemy lines. The Brit went for trying to make an pincer move on my push towards his supplies depot, but he was unable to cut me of, and i was able to drive a truck with a squad vets up and disembark them and ran them up within 3” of the supplies depot. My opponent in his panic called down artillery on his own lines to pin down my squad. this is how the first turn ended. The barrage came down and missed my squad, but killed the truck, first dice out of the bag went to my opponent and he hit my squad with a flamer, it killed two men, but they passed the test and I got the next dice and that was that.

Morale of the story, guard your objectives.

The 2ed game was Key potions and a lesson for me in not being to cocky and bundle up, when the opponent still have his artillery barrage. after that it was a struggle to bring my back in the fight. But by turn 6, I was in a good position to grape take all 3 objectives, but no turn 7 so it ended in a draw.

All in all, I love the options the mobility and auto cannons gives. It is a soft but hard hitting list.

The first games

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steamtankvorganov Recent comment authors
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Very nice, I have HG for Salerno 43. Speaking of that, HG has Luftwaffe desert uniforms in the North Africa with different colouring than regular DAK (more sand yellow then sand khaki) and have a big pocket on left knee… Anyway good luck with your HG project, looks great!

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