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Blood and Plunder - Dugthefug1644

Blood and Plunder - Dugthefug1644

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The English are coming...

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 3
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The English are coming...

I think some of the heat on Facebook pages was that I had been posting links from Wargames Foundry and Perry Miniatures looking for alternative ranges that still stayed in era.

I found that a lot of them fall into two camps. Either too far forward in history, where tricorn hats and the general look is totally off, or they are 7 years war minis and again don’t look generic enough to fit into Blood and Plunder. For the English militia though I did settle on some Front Rank Figurines English that looked pretty similar in design to the official minis.

I got a mix of late 17th century matchlock musketeers and flintlock musketeers because I wanted that mix to show off that transition period and to imply that these are not the well oiled professional soldiers of the later European armies in the period.

I also bought a sprue of Warlord Games Wars of the Spanish Succession English minis. They come up far more true scale, but with some basing shenanigans I made them a touch taller and they fit in OK. Will show some of these off shortly.

The English are coming...

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