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Update Norts

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So , its been a while since I last updated this project.  I managed to get a bit of painting done this weekend, although I have deviated from my plan in the last entry.


So I finished 2 full squads of Nort infantry along with an officer with a cap. These did follow the paint scheme that I originally stated I was using for all the Nort infantry.


Gallery Shot

the Officer

The Infantry squads

The next are WIP from 1 Infantry squad and the Assault squad.

The last infantry squad I decided to do as the Kashan Legion (Vet Infantry) which was the scheme I was going to use for the assualt squad.

Boots – FoW Camo Black Brown with a AP strong tone/FoW Brown wash

Base Uniform – FoW Pure Red

Webbing & Straps – FoW Camp Medium Brown, AP strong tone wash

Gloves &  O2 Tank & Hosing– FoW Green grey, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash

Hood – FoW Deep Yellow

Insigna and Goggles Lens – FoW Deep Yellow , FoW Black


As I said WIP. I’ll know if this works when I finish them later either this weekend/ week.

The Assualt squad I have decided to take a different look. I have decided to make them look like the Nort Navy Assualt/Vrogman teams. the closest image I could find as a reference is from the Rogue Trooper game.

The colour scheme I will probably be using will be as follows, but I’ll update as I test and adjust it to what works for me…

Boots – a dark grey, not sure yet

Base Uniform –AP Griffin Blue

Armour – ?? AP Hardened Carapace – not sure, will have to test this

Webbing & Straps – FoW Camp Medium Brown, AP strong tone wash

Gloves &  O2 Tank & Hosing– FoW Green grey, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash

Hood – a dark grey with maybe a blue tint

Insigna and Goggles Lens – FoW Deep Yellow , FoW Black

Nort Sailor - Assualt/VrogmanNort Sailor - Assualt/Vrogman
WIP Assault teamWIP Assault team

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