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Interactive tabletop playing surface (Space Hulk Hobby Challenge)

Interactive tabletop playing surface (Space Hulk Hobby Challenge)

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Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls)

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
Genestealers are girls, right?Genestealers are girls, right?

Coding is taking up an extra-ordinary amount of time at the minute. To date I’ve got the hardware working (detecting miniatures as they are placed in each square on the sensor array) and data being sent back to a smartphone/tablet over bluetooth.

All very tech-y and pretty nerdy stuff.

But this isn’t a hobby-electronics project, it’s about making interactive Space Hulk. Which means we need some Genestealers.

So inbetween building and coding and painting, I hit ebay and bought some (poorly painted) second-hand tyranids. I figured that’s close enough to Genestealers, isn’t it?

Halfords matt black primer is really quick with great coverageHalfords matt black primer is really quick with great coverage

This project is probably going to go right to the wire (when *is* the closing date, anyway?) so there’s not an awful lot of time to spend on painting miniatures. While in my mind’s eye, any new miniatures always look super-cool with multiple levels of blending, super-precise airbrushing and immaculate detail, the truth is these genestealers are going to get little more than a drybrush of blue over a black base, some flesh/purple on the hands and face and the simplest of basing.

Even just setting up the airbrush seemed like a lot of hassle.

So I grabbed a tin of Halfords Matt Black primer and in just a few minutes, had the whole hoarde base coated. I forgot to open the windows in my workshop, so think I need a lie down now – feeling a little light-headed!

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A lack of proper ventilation leads to vexation the likes of heavy inebriation. This is why I’ve been playing about with mine. Good luck in feeling better and keep up the good work.

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