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Painting Boba Fett - Star Wars Legion

Painting Boba Fett - Star Wars Legion

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Break It Down

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 6
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The next step was weathering the armour plates. I used a small piece of torn sponge to lightly apply Rhinox Hide. It’s good to test the effect a couple of times on your palette or a pice of tissue before going on the model. I aimed for the most exposed areas of armour, such as the edges of knee pads and corners of shoulder plates. It’s best to start small as you can always add more. Inevitably there is some overspill so I touched in any unsightly blemishes as required. 

Break It Down

Turning my attention back to the cape I mixed the same green and beige that were used for the base coat but this time in the favour of the beige (approximately 5:1). Using an old GW dry-brush and with the paint fairly thinned out I stippled onto the cape to create a faded camo pattern. Where the pattern passes over the more prominent folds I built up further layers of the beige, creating a simple highlight effect. 

Break It Down

As a bit of an after thought I used the beige to colour the pouches that hang from Boba’s belt, the various straps that run around the back of his knee plates and shoulders and the one that runs thong-like betwixt his buttocks. 

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