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Avernos, the Desert Squirrel.

Avernos, the Desert Squirrel.

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Totally 8-Rad, dude!

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 6

so I’ve started with a base coat of green ochre and highlighted with dark sand before doing an edge highlight on the panels with pure dark sand

Starting the weathering, before anything else I take the base colour, green ochre in this case and add some sponge chipping just to give depth to the weathering. Then using a thinned down dark grey, I’ve used German Grey from Vallejo to add chips where I imagine they would occur with a brush. Letting it wiggle and dance to get random patterns, but take your time and work in small areas otherwise it looks too unrealistic.

Once that is dry I go back to sponge chipping with the dark grey, focusing on areas that would see a lot of wear, like hatches or places that would be used to access them like rails. Then the whole thing gets a satin varnish to seal and protect it and get ready for the next stage pin washes and tints. Which will be coming next

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sundancerGerryaurorainbagbuggeroff Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

nice work 🙂


Looking good already <3

Cult of Games Member

moar DAKKA!!!

wait, wrong time period… XD

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