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Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon

Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon

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The plan

Tutoring 4
Skill 2
Idea 13

When the models arrived I got them all base coated using coloured sprays. This alone took me a couple of weeks of spraying a new batch each day.


In 2017 I had set myself the target of painting all the Conan Kickstarter models  (which I finished with 3 hours to go) so I was in no mood to set myself another massive painting challenge in 2018. A year on my motivation has recovered and I want to get all these models painted up.


My plan is to start with the titans and gods, perhaps painting up any troops that are closely associated and have similar colour schemes as I go. Once the gods and titans are done I’ll move on to the monsters, then the heroes. Finally I’ll do any remaining troop models at the end of the year.


At the start of each month I’ll pick the models to be done that month and if I get them finished I’ll let myself do an unrelated painting project to give myself a change before the next month starts.

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Cult of Games Member

Hi. Best of luck with your project. I have just completed the very same challenge. You can look at the final photo here if you like: I would endorse the apporach you are taking as it was very similar to my own. I did find he opportunity to play games with newly painted miniatures throughout the year helpful and also the support of @lawnor‘s Hobby Pledge forum group. If you are interested in joining please add your pledge to the 2019 pages here: I look forward to following updates of your progress and would be interested to know… Read more »

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