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Painting Marines: 3 Colours Up - Stone Templars

Painting Marines: 3 Colours Up - Stone Templars

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Practice and Waiting

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Since I am basing this project initially around the 3 Colours Up videos, I must patiently wait for the next installment to be posted.  While patiently waiting, I reviewed where the initial piece and thought that it had a chalky look to it, but I couldn’t determine if it was from the prime, the zenithal, it was just the look of the ProAcryl (which are very matte), or a combination of these things.

So I decided to paint a second marine to continue brush and paint control practice and to compare to two.  One change I decided to make was not to zenithal this one.

So I grabbed another blue marine, black primer rattle can, and prepped another marine.

That evening I enjoyed a baseball game on tv and started working on basing the armor in grey.  Overall I think I’m happier with this so far, but I believe paint consistency still an issue for me.  I think I’ll need to either move to a wet pallet or try to find some way of practice and judging this.

Haven’t had time to do touch up work and move to the other colors, but I hope to do a little work tonight after I get home from a late baseball practice.

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