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Fantasy Game

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Worked Example of Spell Creation With Resource Management

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Simple Sketch of Spell BoardSimple Sketch of Spell Board

Have counters or models that represent:

  1. Fire
  2. Water
  3. Earth
  4. Lightning

We’ve selected a level 2 mage, so we have 20 energy tokens total.

So first spell we are going to cast is as follows:

  1. Create Fire so we place the fire counter on the fire part of the board and one energy token on “Create”.
  2.  We going to then put 4 energy tokens on Grow so we have a level 5 fireball
  3. We are then going to move it 18″ inches to the front line, so  place 3 energy tokens on Move.
  4. We are then going to multiply it once to give us 2 level 5 fireballs and use 1 more energy token, placed on multiply
  5. We are then going to move one of the fireballs upto 6 inches targeting one enemy unit (1 energy token on move)
  6. The other fireball will be moved upto 6 inches targeting another enemy unit (1 energy token)

That one spell has used 11 energy tokens.  So the mage now only has 9 left for the rest of the game.  That feels like a fairly epic spell – we’ve created a massive fireball sent it streaking across the sky towards the enemy, caused it to split in two and hit two enemy units.   But it has cost slightly over 1/2 of our total magic energy to do that.

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