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Primus Pilus - The Centurion's Centurion.

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Primus Pilus - The Centurion's Centurion.

Apparently the Primus Pilus was a Centurion that was given higher standing as leading the best Century in the 1st Cohort.

I got this metal mini as part of a Warlord Games purchase years ago to bulk up an order to avoid postage charges.

He was going to be a focal point in a diorama I had planned, but I never got it started, I have pilfered the gauls to make Blood and Plunder pirates and other bits and pieces etc. So building and painting him for this game seemed like a good excuse.

I realised after the photography that his shield is technically upside down. I could snip it off and re-glue it, but I prefer to use a backstory to get round it.

The enemy have surprised the unit, the Primus Pilus has grabbed his shield, bellowed his orders and the men have snapped to. They have all noted the mistake, but given his furious sharp tongue at the best of times and the urgency of the call to arms no one is brave enough to correct him on it.

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