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Decision at Le Mer D-Day -1

Decision at Le Mer D-Day -1

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Session 5 'Cuharee! '

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Well with this session things began to heat up, firstly the armoured cars on the Western Road activated 1st and decided to charge round the corner and blast the two guns, Unfortunately they were borrowing Gerrys dice and only managed to pin them.

The 1st platoon big man  activated next , ordered  one squad to  put down suppressing fire on the 4 story building and the other attempted to launch an assault, the shooting killed one more German , and the remaining 3 decided to vacate the building but only managed to get to 2nd floor, The assault failed due to lousy dice , the squad getting stuck in the broken ground.


Session 5 'Cuharee! '

At this point the 1st or the two guns activated, and it appears American dice are better than German as they promptly blew up one armoured car.

The 3rd and final gun activated and moved to the rear of the glider, moving slowly to get a shot at the tanks on the eastern edge of the table.


Summer for 2nd platoon activated , most of his platoon had no targets know so reserved his shooting, and the Bazooka tried again on the med tank , this time it blew the arse of it, and its big man commander dived out to the nearest light tank

Session 5 'Cuharee! '

Then the 2nd gun activated and promptly blew up the 2nd armoured car, though the Germans did manage to finally kill one of the American gunners in the explosion

Session 5 'Cuharee! '

Sgt Muller the German infantry’s hapless commander, gave up trying to to join his chewed up squad and retired after the Panzershrek team that had shot past him the previous session.( this would have an effect later)

Tea break

In the next move the the 3rd AT activated 1st and fired a shot at the tanks, to hits were registered but only managed to put a temporary movement effect, and the other bounced off. They fired back pinning the gun but otherwise little effect, German dice being lacking in pips.

1st platoons big man operated again, so the mortar started to put smoke in an effort to allow 2nd platoons squads to extricate from the farmhouse to escape further fire from tanks, and with no targets left for the suppressing squad, the assault squad charged in . Taking one look at the screaming Americans the 3 remaining Germans decided they had an appointment in Paris and fled the table. So the squad charged into the building to find no one there and only an empty bottle of Cognac, (Lt. Shultz last finally got some revenge). The other squad moved up to support behind the building.

In the meantime the 3rd German squad having run out of gunners to shoot, decided to cross the road and take up position in the building across the road from Sgt Muller. plus the mg 42 team sitting in the hamlet at the northern end of the road, move position to another building as suddenly realised they had an american gun they could see.




Run away!Run away!

Tea Break.

The 3 German tanks decided discretion was the better part of valour and moved out of the line of site of the gun, realising their peashooters where having little effect.

Having sent his Sgt back to fetch the rest of the platoon , 1st platoons big man decided to launch his unused 2nd squad at the 2nd of the 4 story building on the road.The 3rd squad in the building just captured , put down suppressing fire and killed one of the Panzershrek crew. 2nd squad successfully caught the forgotten pak 40 crew on the ground floor napping and wiped them out, but then  was thrown out of the building by Sgt Muller who charged down with his two lads and the remaining Panzershrek Crewman, who managed to kill 4 Americans for the loss of the latter.

In the meantime the newly positioned German 3rd squad opened up on 1st Platoons squad who had been putting down suppressing fire and killed one of them.

The forgotten mg42 team having spotted the AT gun opened up on it, killing one gunner, this gun promptly move around the other side of the glider out of sight.

Then it was zebedee time again

German 3rd squads new homeGerman 3rd squads new home

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