Afterlife - Models and Gameplay
Unity Council 1500 Point Force
Unity Council special rules:
– Sphere uplink – Machine units gain bonus to Detection or Reaction roll-offs of +1 per other Machine or Exo-Mech unit that has LoS to target (max +3)
– Advanced Targeting – Exo-Mech unit gains +1 to Ballistics for every non-suppressed Exo-Mech unit with LoS to target (max +2)
6x Unity Guard (Core unit), + flamethrower upgrade
-4x Stim Hounds attached
-Isaias Cortez, Leader attached
4x Crane C-25 (Core unit)
-2x Bastion Platforms attached (2x grenade launcher)
-Ellenor Renard, Leader attached
5x Tracer Recon (Core unit)
2x Crane C-48 Warden (Support Unit)
2x Ajax Exo-Mech (Elite unit), Smart Grenade Laucnher + MiniGun
5x Spectre Ops (Elite unit)
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