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Building a pub interior by Jo from Oathsworn

Building a pub interior by Jo from Oathsworn

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Part 17

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I then glued the dartboard onto the blackboard with some PVA and left it to dry.

Part 17

Again using PVA it was then glued into place onto the pubs wall.

Part 17

Next up was the noticeboard – Albert Peppercorn, one of our brilliant members from the Burrows & Badgers facebook group had made a PDF of a variety of small posters/signs etc for the Burrows & Badgers world. Saving me loads of time designing my own posters, I just printed out a copy to use instead.

Part 17

I then chose which posters/notices to use and cut them out.

Part 17

Next I constructed the notice board from a piece of cardboard. I cut a 7cm x 5cm rectangle for the main body and then four 2mm wide strips for the frame which I glued around the edge.

Part 17

I then placed the posters on the board & played about with them until I was happy with where they would look best. I took a photo for reference so that I’d know where to glue them once the board is painted.

Part 17

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