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Lupa15's Protectorate of Menoth

Lupa15's Protectorate of Menoth

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Bases are Completed and Some More Models

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Bases are Completed and Some More Models
Bases are Completed and Some More Models

During the month of September I was able to complete the painting of all the bases for my entire force.  I painted the sand and then painted the rims black and red.

Additionally I completed the finishing touches for High Exemplar Gravus, the Purifier and the legs for Hand of Judgement.  To the side you can see a Jaime Lannister miniature that I completed the cloak on.

One thing I learned through this process of painting all these miniature is that I do better when painting two or three at a time and I prefer switching color palettes.  Spending too much time working with the same set of colors has made it extremely difficult to focus and remain motivated.

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