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Blipvertus multigame Dwarf army

Blipvertus multigame Dwarf army

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Adding the banner Part 1

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The banners and transfers are from Little Big Man Studios and are specifically made for Oarthmark, but you won’t find them on their website. They’re sold through Northstar. I’d include a link but apparently the anti-spam software is super sensitive to hyperlinks.

The banners have very good instructions and what follows is basically those instructions with a few tips.

You can mount the banner on any of several different materials including thin lead foil. If you do use lead foil, prime it white first. I’m going to use white paper but otherwise, the steps are the same for both.

Cut out the banner you intend to use. Don’t worry about trimming it closely, that’ll come later. Cut out the banner you intend to use. Don’t worry about trimming it closely, that’ll come later.
Cut out a piece of white paper larger than the transfer.  Cut out a piece of white paper larger than the transfer.
The transfer is protected by a thin plastic cover. You’ll need to carefully peel it off. The transfer is protected by a thin plastic cover. You’ll need to carefully peel it off.
The now exposed transfer has a sticky surface. Place it sticky side down on the paper. Then press down making sure there are no air bubbles. The now exposed transfer has a sticky surface. Place it sticky side down on the paper. Then press down making sure there are no air bubbles.

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