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Getting my daughter into Age of Sigmar

Getting my daughter into Age of Sigmar

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Little sister joins in

Tutoring 1
Skill 0
Idea 3
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We’ve been struggling to get games in in the evening. I’ve been too tired by the time our youngest goes to bed but my daughter remains keen to play. As a work around today we played in the afternoon. I had been avoiding this as it means involving my youngest daughter who is only 3 1/2.


We repeated the same scenario as last time, where simplified endless spells wonder the board. My daughters teamed up to take on my Nighthaunts and had a great time playing a small 30 minute game.


There were a few moments where my youngest was rough with the models, but she was happy to roll dice when instructed and report the result. She also got scared when the ghosts or spells came after her models but it was an excited scared.


I guess moving forwards I can consider day-time games with both my daughters as a viable option.

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Cult of Games Member

Maybe get some cheap second hand models and let your daughters paint those and use them as proxies… then you don’t need to break into sweat when something falls off the table 😉

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