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Solar's 30k Horus Heresy

Solar's 30k Horus Heresy

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Colour Scheme

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Colour Scheme
Colour Scheme

The scheme I settled on needed to be relatively easy to paint with decent results. The following is my process:

1- Assemble mini excluding weapon.

2- Undercoat grey using airbrush or spray can.

3- Undercoat using Mephiston Red applied with airbrush. Im thinking to change this to a darker red to remove the following step.

4- Wash with Flesh Tearers Red contrast paint. I want to cut this step out by using a darker red undercoat.

5- Repaint all armour with Mephiston Red leaving darker areas in gaps and around the edges.

6- An edge highlight of Evil Sunz Scarlett on all the armour plates.

7- cables and metallic areas undercoated black.

8- Cables painted with a dark grey.

9- Metallic areas painted with a dark steel colour.

10- Grey and metallic areas washed with Army Painter Dark Tone.

11- Details tidied up such as eyes, iconography etc

12- Bolter painted black with metallic areas painted as above and a dark grey edgd highlight on the black areas.


I reckon this takes around an hour per mini and does give decent results. You could do another finer highlight using orange if you wanted to go the extra mile.

These were all painted slightly differently. Some are a slightly brighter red than the others but otherwise its hard to tell.These were all painted slightly differently. Some are a slightly brighter red than the others but otherwise its hard to tell.
This guy was painted using the method above.This guy was painted using the method above.

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