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Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

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Red Belle - Ouroboros Miniatures

Tutoring 15
Skill 18
Idea 17
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This is Red Belle, a miniature I got from a Kickstarter back in 2019. The model is now available directly from Ouroboros Miniatures. I felt like trying out a 75mm miniature for a change and just painting a model for display.


The wings came in a clear red resin, so I left them off the model until the very end. The rest of the model was assembled and then undercoated with three different colours to achieve a zenith highlight. First I painted the concrete base with Storm Vermin Fur. Then I sprayed the rest of the model with Grey Seer. Finally I sprayed Wraith Bone from directly above the model.


The pale areas of the body suite were painted with a 6:1:4 mixture of apothecary white:volupus pink:contrast medium. This gave me a nice off-white effect with just a hint of shading in the recesses.


The pink areas of the body suite were painted with a 1:1 mixture of warlock purple and lahmian medium. This was applied in two thin coats which gave me a very even coverage.


The remaining dark areas of the body suite were simply painted in corvus black.


The face was painted rakarth flesh, washed in the recesses with reikland fleshshade, then highlighted with flayed one flesh followed by pallid wych flesh. Her eyes were painted with pallid wych flesh and then the irises were painted in with teclis blue and the eye brows painted on with mournefang brown.


Left over paint on my wet pallet that I used for the pink areas of the body suite were applied sparingly as eye shadow and to her lips. I took most of the paint on eyes off again with a wet brush and they tidied up the edges with pallid wych flesh.


The top of the hair was painted with terradon turquoise and the bottom half with volupus pink.


A mixture of 2:1 grey seer and terradon turquoise was used for the glow effect on her joints, the wings and the tips of her antennas. It was als used sparingly as a highlight on her hair.


Xereus purple was used to paint the chevrons and numbers on her chest.


The concrete was painted with basilicanum grey and they drybrushed longbeard grey.


Finally the wings were glued in place and the model transferred on to a clear perspex base using gorilla glue two part epoxy resin.



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