Mages Arcworlde Spring-cleaning 08/06 1x Mini-update
Halfling Militia Warband, Part 1
This is the start of my Halfling Militia Warband from first edition in metal. These guys are ones I put off because there was a higher model count and thus I did them last. Also, they had a lot of work go into them as over time I disliked the green and purple I did. I also saw someone do them on the Arcwrolde facebook page in similiar colours and knew I could never do a better job lol.
Also, they already look fantasy enough and I wanted to ground them in reality a bit more. I chose gritty colours that were somewhat inspired by the province of Stirland from Warhammer Fantasy battles. I figured with less crazy colours than some ideas I had that they would fit well for Frostgrave, KoW, maybe AoS and possibly Rangers of Shadow Deep as well.
You can get your own set here:
Below are the Captain and three Sword and Sheidl Militia. Also note that little blue pouches tie them into the dogs.
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