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Flames of War Late War Armies

Flames of War Late War Armies

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Lockdown game 2

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 3

My eldest has been begging to play the full flames of war since our last game of tanks – I have the Hit the Beech starter.  We’ve put some more paint on the Shermans and now need to put on the decals and then do some weathering on them.

I decided to limit our game of Flames of War to just tanks, to minimise the rules I was introducing to my son.  The Germans are a little short of tanks (I need to purchase a few more) so I set down to work out how many points we could field and then matched the Americans to that.

Germans (Me)

  • Panzer IV Company HQ (2x Panzer IVs)
  • Panzer IV Platoon (3x Panzer IVs – only actually had two so had to sub something in).
  • Panther Platoon (3x Panthers – only have 2 so used a Jadgpanther to round it out).

Americans (My son)

  • Sherman Veteran Company HQ (2x Shermans)
  • Sherman Veteran Platoon (5x Shermans)
  • 76mm Sherman Veteran Platoon (5x Sherman 76mm)
  • M10 Tank Destroyer Platoon (2x M10s)

We also don’t have enough space for a full 4’x6′ board so we played on a 4’x3′ board, which fits on the dinning table.  I have the TT Combat tiles for a 4’x4′ board but they don’t hold together well to sit 6″ off each side of the dinning table yet.

The board set up as a small village in Normandy with church and railway startion.The board set up as a small village in Normandy with church and railway startion.
The end of the first round, the 76mm Shermans have managed to destroy one of the Panzer IVs and the return fire at the 75mm Shermans has destroyer two of them.The end of the first round, the 76mm Shermans have managed to destroy one of the Panzer IVs and the return fire at the 75mm Shermans has destroyer two of them.

Looks like I forgot to take a photograph of the end of round 2.

The Panther tanks took out the M10s and the 76mm Shermans managed to knock out one of the Panzer IVs, leaving that Platoon down to one tank – thankfully he didn’t want to leave.

At the end of round three the Panthers have engaged the 75mm Shermans on the far hilltop and taken out one and bailed out another.  The Panzer IVs in the centre have managed to destory two of the 76mm Shermans.At the end of round three the Panthers have engaged the 75mm Shermans on the far hilltop and taken out one and bailed out another. The Panzer IVs in the centre have managed to destory two of the 76mm Shermans.
Round four, the Sherman 76s got onto the flank of the Panthers and their close range fire knocked two of the Panthers out, fortunately the thrid want to stick around for revenge.  The Germans advance on the Sherman 75s and knocked out another one, the last Sherman ran away!Round four, the Sherman 76s got onto the flank of the Panthers and their close range fire knocked two of the Panthers out, fortunately the thrid want to stick around for revenge. The Germans advance on the Sherman 75s and knocked out another one, the last Sherman ran away!
Nothing much happened this turn with the German and Americans maneuvering for position on each other.Nothing much happened this turn with the German and Americans maneuvering for position on each other.
The last turn, the American Company HQ moved to engage the Panther lurking behind the building, which was their final mistake as they found the Panther and 2 Panzer IVs.  The close range fire from the three tanks demolished the two Shermans, the up side of this round was that the final member of the Panzer IV Platoon ran away.  With only one unit left the Americans had lost and the Germans held onto the village.The last turn, the American Company HQ moved to engage the Panther lurking behind the building, which was their final mistake as they found the Panther and 2 Panzer IVs. The close range fire from the three tanks demolished the two Shermans, the up side of this round was that the final member of the Panzer IV Platoon ran away. With only one unit left the Americans had lost and the Germans held onto the village.

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StuartDaveRobert Recent comment authors
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Looks a fun game!

Cult of Games Member

Great stuff! And good to get them hooked when they’re young. I’ve got my son into Gaslands and he’s probably not far away from me rolling out my Flames of War stuff as well.

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