Fun in the Weird Wild West Pt 2
Quick bit of basing!
I’ve had a few queries about the bases on this project so I thought I’d quickly show how they are done. When I first attempted using rollers I got into a right mess but there is an excellent ‘Gerry Can’ video on the site which showed me where I went wrong. I’d highly recommend watching it but here are the basics
Firstly I used some Brown Stuff, green stuff or milliput will do and rolled into a ball. Then I press it over the base, WWX bases are good for this as they have a slight lip which acts as a good guide. You want the putty to be just a tiny bit above level.
Next, and this is the key part where I went wrong originally, using a brush put a thin coating of Vaseline over the putty, this will ensure you roller doesn’t stick!!
Then it’s a simple case of rolling across the base and trimming any excess. I then leave it overnight, give it a wash with soap, warm water and an old toothbrush to clean of the Vaseline and you’re done!
Heres the link to the Gerry Can tutorial for a more professional lesson!
only other question is who would need a base that big…
Love the Rolling Pin action. I really just buy some of those! ?
I love using them now, definitely going to invest in some more and a set of spacers from the store. So simple to use