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HeroQuest Lockdown Revisited

HeroQuest Lockdown Revisited

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Replacement Parts

Tutoring 9
Skill 12
Idea 14
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Having done some research prior to buying a copy of the game, I knew that a lot of digital files for HeroQuest components existed online. So many files were available in fact that I had to do a fair amount of searching to find the exact components I needed. Some bright spark out there had the mind and capacity to scan each and every miniature from the set! I found the missing monsters (as well as variations on the originals with new weapons, bases etc). These would be printed on my resin printer.

The above images show the digital models positioned on my print bread (along with supports), ready for printing. I had noticed that my wizard was missing the top of his staff and so I decided to print a replacement for him while I was printing the missing monsters. 

The above photos show the replacement models, fresh from the printer and after curing.

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