Harry Potter miniature adventure game
All your base are belong to us
Texture not required
Yes! This is the part where the model is almost done. Because I’ve textured the bases at the start and they’re “indoors”, I should be able to finish these rather quickly with some different colours. I wanted to have them match the game board as much as I could and, looking over my paint selection, decided to go with Citadel. Stormvermin Fur was almost a perfect match to the base tiles and the rest of the look should be easy to match with a classic base, shade, drybrush-highlight combination. Actually I sneaked in a couple of extra steps. 🙂
- Basecoat Stormvermin Fur
- Drybrush Celestra Grey
- Wash Agrax Earthshade and Athonian Camoshade blending them on the base to get some brown/green variation
- Drybrush Deepkin Flesh
- Paint the rims black
Accio gaming board!
And here they are, ready to fight the evil minions of He Who Must Not Be Named and earn som point for House Griffindor. I am very happy with the end result and learned quite a bit.
Learning points:
- Vallejo paints are amazing! I will continue to use them for the next models in the HP project and probably some other projects as well.
- Take time to learn and have fun but not too much. I have spent a disproportionate amount of time to get here. Lots of fun was had but I will try to be more effective on the next batch.
- Practise doesn’t make perfect but adds confidence. There’s nothing wrong trying new techniques but if it doesn’t work, shelve it for some other project and continue to use what works for you. Fun is still the key word.
- Resin is brittle. This is the first time working with resin models and they do require a more gentle hand than sturdy injected moulded plastics.
Next up:
The bad guys… people. Deatheaters!
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