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Harry Potter miniature adventure game

Harry Potter miniature adventure game

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Highlights and shades part 2 - redo

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Back to layers

Trying a different approach, I started with a new paint pallet this time thinned down with glaze medium. I wanted to be able to work with thin layers but keep the pigment coherency. Otherwise everything was the same, pre-blending my paints on the pallet for easy use. I also added a dark grey and a bit of black to darken the cloaks and some vermillion to brighten up the red on the linings and Hermoines scarf. Things were looking up.

Eyes and details

I never paint a models eyes. Mostly because I’m concerned I’ll do a botch job and end up with a goofy looking face. Because these models are so realistic and it would add life, this would be the perfect time to overcome that concern, which I’m glad I did. I even bothered to chose three different eye colours. They’re hard to see but I know they’re there and that’s all that counts. 🙂 But I’ll let you be the judge.

With the yellow stripes, the book and a brown hair dye for Hermoine, I called them done. This was the point of diminishing returns and spending more time could improve them but would take a disproportionate amount. The one thing I’m not happy with is Harry’s glasses, which look more like a superhero mask. Some time in the future maybe, this might be corrected. (Probably not.)

Next up:

Back to where it all began; basing.

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