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My way in to historical

My way in to historical

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Why so many

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11

So after my last post of not figuring out what colours to use on the German Infantry, Gerry came to the rescue with some advice, as did the folks over on the FoW Facebook Page.

Now.. I’ve not finished them yet.. far from it and I will tell you why.

I normally paint all my minis in squads, or in this case per base, I find this quite manageable and it keeps me motivated to get the next ones done.

I started off (as you can see in the pic below) just going for the gin crew on the PAK-40s

Why so many

This was going OK, as I know my 10 year old is coming over after the weekend of working, I know he is going to want to play, and we are not allowed to play with unpainted mini’s. I thought it’d be a great idea and hit them all at once (see below)

OTT in the back ground!OTT in the back ground!

What a massive mistake that has been. Painting one colour onto so many figures in succession in an absolute ball ache and has turned quite monotonous. Its got to the point where it is getting boring. I know I have to plough through them as i need them ready for Tuesday. Any tips on motivation would be helpful!

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GaryStuartkharegim Recent comment authors
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If you can try and find your sweet spot of how many you can do at a given time with it being pleasant, everyone’s sweet spot varies but use that and instead break them up into bite sized chunks where you finish the minis completely stage by stage, I find that seeing minis go from blank unprimed things into complete figures excites and motivates me to just grab the next batch and get going with them out of a desire to see what even more fully painted minis look like! And above all make sure you have fun and take… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

It’s tough with the historical figures, especially from WW1 onwards as the colours are just so bland. There’s only so much olive drab or dunkelgelb you can take. I guess it depends on the standard you want to achieve, I guess you’re aiming higher than me given that you’ve put each individual figure on their own cork – I just stick mine to a tongue depressor. For me though, I spray everything the majority colour – German Field Grey in this instance and then go back in, production line style, and paint in the separate smaller colour areas. I also… Read more »

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