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Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

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A horse! A horse! My Kingdom for a horse!

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6
May as well start with a classic joke, hopefully someone gets the reference!May as well start with a classic joke, hopefully someone gets the reference!

The next mini I am working on will take up a few posts and is a King’s German Legion Hussar from Perry Miniatures (I actually know where this one comes from! Magical!). Thought I’d start with the horse, because it has been quite some time since I painted one. First things first, as this is a historical mini, I need to consider the types of horses used, so I went to artworks of the KGL Hussars.

It's even in German! I go above and beyond and in no way just have to fight with the plague that is pintrest playing the 'all images belong to us' game...It's even in German! I go above and beyond and in no way just have to fight with the plague that is pintrest playing the 'all images belong to us' game...

The horse pictured resembles the colouration of Bay horses near perfectly so I went looking into that with one thought from my brother; ‘it should have socks!’ So I found some images as references including markings, though I never ended up using face markings, I decided to put the image here for others, if they want to do it.

All that’s left is the final (well not final, but final) product! I will do the accoutrements and cloth as a separate post before moving on the Hussar Officer himself.

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Cult of Games Member

fabulous work @crazyredcoat well worth a gold button.

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