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Manda's (Amachan) 3D Printing Adventures

Manda's (Amachan) 3D Printing Adventures

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Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Urbanmech, turpentine bath, warm water bath, remove supports, cold water with toothbrush, water curing.

Catapult, methylated spirit bath, warm water bath, remove supports, cold water with toothbrush, water curing.

Raven, warm water bath, remove supports, cold water bath, patting it dry, water curing.

Atlas, methylated spirit bath, remove supports, methylated spirit bath, air curing, making sure it had absolutely no contact with water until fully cured.

Clearly the first 2 are a no, third one is pretty good, little bit of residue left in the gaps. And the last one is the winner I believe.

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