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Sanguine Anger

Sanguine Anger

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A day’s progress

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 5
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A day’s progress

Batch painting flesh. The first coat (after airbrushing base flesh and a skin wash) always takes so long. It’s so tempting to change it up with painting other colors on clothes, etc. but I have learned that sticking to skin is worth it. The next highlight goes quicker, the final highlight even faster. And once the flesh is done you’re 90% of the way there. Doesn’t seem possible when most minis (excepting that big hairy naked man, the giant and the troll—all on the front left in the pic) have so little flesh. But it’s true. Get the flesh right and the mini comes to life.

Side note to any of you Blood Rage players out there: you may have noted that I’m painting the gods expansion. I already have this expansion, have painted it up, have played with it and really enjoy it. “Why”, you might ask, “are you painting it again?” The answer is that these are the embiggened gods. This will be excellent but leaves me with the old, small gods as surplus. If you enjoy Blood Rage but don’t have the Gods expansion, comment or send me a pm and I’ll ship them out to you. It would be good to find them a new home.


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