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Frostgrave | New edition new Warband!

Frostgrave | New edition new Warband!

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Painting the Troops

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
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The next minis to add to the new warband are of course the mercenaries. Black Scorpion have these awesome guys that I came across the same time as the Grand Master.

Because they’re all individual sculpts they’re ideal for this size game, added all these will give me a pretty big warband so I can pic and choose (unless I’m playing a campaign of course).

First step was to get the based and base coated. I ent through the same process as the captain; I used a fine sand and a couple of small pebbles that I had sat in my hobby box, the whole mini was then base coated with the GW spray wraith bone

Getting some colour down...

It was then onto painting…

I went with a similar scheme to my Captain (the grand master). I originally wanted to go down an Empire route, almost Reikland. I also came across a flag of the knights of Ibelin from the crusades that’s also a similar colour.

Ibelin Reference Photo

You can see my painting down below in the Vlog and mostly self explanatory. I went with a bunch of contrast paints, the main 2 colours of the tabbards were Blood Angles Red and Skeleton Horde.

Painting Vlog

Finished Models...

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