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Maledrakh's The Others: 7 Sins

Maledrakh's The Others: 7 Sins

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Have some Pride!

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Have some Pride!


The Avatar of Pride

Leonine and resplendant. Unashamed. All Out. Pride.

The largest of all the Avatars, the base is a pillshaped 65mm x 45mm.


The Abominations of Pride:

25mm integral bases.

The Abominations of Pride are a further exploration of Contrast paints. And as it so happens, they are slightly reminiscent of rainbow stripes when on parade.  This is in fact unintentional but at the same time oddly fitting.

These were based in a light cream colour, and then each was given a single coat of a different contrast paint.

From the left: Creed Camo, Space Wolf Grey, Wildwood, Militarum Green, Plaguebearer Flesh, Darkoath Flesh.

I then tried to drybrush them a bit, but the contrast paint came off in patches, not being strong enough to resist the mechanical rubbing of the bristles. *sigh* and here I thought I was being extra gentle.

So this reinforces the earlier lesson of no drybrushing on contrast paints.

I put some carroburg crimson shade wash on the ends of the limbs and tentacles, and later some thinned Mephiston Red regular paint. Eyes in blue, some teeth, black bases with black flockmix and done.


All that Pride, and not a shred of Dignity.


These are the last of all my The Others: 7 Sins minis. Now their to-be-painted-box in the shelf is all empty and hollow, ready to be filled by someting shiny and new! Time to prep some more of the HATE minis perhaps?


Avatar and Abominations of Pride

From the base game set of The Others: 7 Sins boardgame, 2016

Guillotine Games / Studio McVey / CMON

PVC boardgame plastic

The boardgame and some expansions should still be available in the wild but seem to be getting scarce.

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Love the use of colour! Great work.

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