Kaldstrom the return (forgot to put these in before the Haqqislam)
So I now have an out of order project. Don’t know if I can cope with that but, it is what it is. I forgot to include the two limited models I got with Kaldstrom.
I did take all of these pictures between 2 – 3am last night so it also appears some are blurry or focused on something unimportant… Sorry but I know some of you are fans of that look so enjoy.
Overall I thought the Monk is great despite the forced base, but I think the Ninja is not that great a model or at least I didn’t paint it as such. I have read other rumblings on this from other sources, It didn’t meet up as much as it should and I need to fill then sculpt back in detail and it’s still not perfect. It did however allow me to paint purple, so I have to forgive it that.
More to come!
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