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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Town Watch Begin Their First Shift

Tutoring 8
Skill 15
Idea 14
1 Comment

Two for one with this post as I completed two Town Watch Mouse models, one with a crossbow and one with a halberd. They look like the kind of fellows who might back up Tico so their livery was painted to match his.  They make a charming little team but not sure how effective the tiny team will be at thwarting crime. Maybe like Sgt Colon and Nobby Nobbs of the Ankh-Morpark City Watch they will succeed through dumb luck.  Regardless, they are adorable if not intimidating.

Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Town Watch Begin Their First Shift
Such a cute pair.Such a cute pair.
Move along now, folks. Nothing to see here.Move along now, folks. Nothing to see here.

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