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Klorophil's Warhammer Armies

Klorophil's Warhammer Armies

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Color tests

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 6
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So I wanted to have a quick and easy way to paint my army of Ultramarines. Here are the color tests that I did before settling in on my preferred recipe.

First, everything was primed pure black. No zenithal priming. I decided on this as the minis would be primarly ultramarine blue. So a dark basecoat would be fine and actually help the blue pigments cover the mini more easily. If I ever missed a part of the mini in my future painting, it would only mean that a pretty deep recess would be pure black. This is good as it would automatically create a shadow exactly where I need it.

Two of the minis that you see below were basecoated with pure P3 Cygnar Blue Base. The other one was basecoated with pure P3 Exile Blue. Then one of the Cygnar Blue one was covered with Citadel Ultramarine Blue Contrast. The next one was covered with Citadel Nuln Oil Wash and the Exile Blue one was left as is.

Contrast over Cygnar Blue Base didn’t do much difference so I dismissed this idea. Pure Exile Blue was a little too dark for my taste. I finally decided on Cygnar Blue Base with Nuln Oil. The Nuln Oil would take care of the deepest recesses and let the Blue Base shine through, while tinting eveything a deeper blue tone. Perfect!!

A small adviced for those of you searching for your perfect paint scheme. Look at your minis in different lights. What might seem pretty bright under your work light may be too dark in normal sunlight or with the lights that you usually use to play your games.

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