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Za Rodinu! Za Stalina! Ura!!

Za Rodinu! Za Stalina! Ura!!

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One kit, two choices, four unit cards

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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76mm Anti-tank, 76mm Artillery or 57mm Anti-tank

Official instructions :

One kit, two choices, four unit cards.
Yep, the hardest part is not the build itself (two wheels, one gun, one shield), but deciding how to use it in your list.
The 57mm variant only gets to choose between fielding it as confident trained (LS177 : anti-tank company) or as fearless veterans (LS146 heavy tank-killer company).
I’d say if you’ve got a few spare points then it may be worth a shot.

The 76mm variant gets a 3rd option as it can be an artilery battery (LS148) as well.
Technically there’s a 4th option if you buy the SU-76, but that’s buying a different kit.
It is however worth thinking about as the added mobility may be useful if the points are available.
The only weird thing is that the artillery variant gets classified as a ‘large gun’.
I don’t know if this is an error or simply meant to represent the need for the gun to fire upwards.

Assembly tips

You may need to check the instructions to see how the gun shield is mounted.
There are sprues with 6 crew for each gun, but the instructions say you only need 4 which should allow for a bit of variety.
The only problem is they don’t tell you anything like that in the official instructions on their website.
Then again … maybe it’s because you can only ever fit four of them on the big bases.

The sprue has a few ammo boxes and a map table as spare bits.
Use them to decorate your base if need be.

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