Bob's Grave is a bit Frosty!
More bits in the cupboard
Actually they were sitting in the spare room, as in store room in a pile of magazines by the wall. I brought the 1st issue of Mortal Realms on a whim….it was 13 figures for £1.99 that would get used for something!
It had crossed my mind to dig out the Nighthaunts for Conquest Skirmish, write some stats for an Alt enemy….but with Frostgrave, they would make ideal wraiths, with 10 in issue figured it would probably give me all I would need.
Plus I could practice wet blending with contrast paints…..
- So having clipped them together, I undercoated them GW Grey Seer.
- Starting with GW contrast Black Templer on the hoods down to about half way on the hood.
- Then wet blending from there used GW Basilicum Grey to the bottom of hood.
- Then GW Gryp Charger Grey halfway down rest of body.
- Rest of body and wisps of smoke was wet blended down to base in GW apothecary Grey.
- Chain & metal of wpns were picked out in Leadbelter, with gore gunter brown on wooden handles. This was thinned out the lower they were on models, leaving the wpn white Grey nearer to base to give them materialising out of the ground.
- All got a very light dry brush of corax white over top.
- Base and Tombstones just got a coat of Space Wolves Grey , with a Liberal splodge of GW’s snow effect texture paint.
This Left the 3 Stormguard Eternal models , which was a drr! Moment. But I have been reading some of the Frostgrave fiction and background. So…..
Did a bit of work on bases, a base light grey undercoat, then again Space Wolves Grey. I then dry bushed Corax white.
Then I dry bushed again with a plan white on no Flag Stone areas for snow. To differentiate between kerb and toad I gave the road area another coat of Space Wolves Grey.
Odd bits of detail were picked out in bright contrast colours to taste.
The actual Figures were just given a GW wash of R. Fleshtone to weather them a bit and now I have 3 Golden Golems/Animated Statues… All taking about 20 mins if take out paint drying time.
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