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Raiding the Dusty Wastes

Raiding the Dusty Wastes

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Dusting off minis for a new year

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 12
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I’ve been sucked into SAGA. So much for being disinterested in historicals. The fantasy element is really what works for me as generally its all some sort of swords and scale mail between the two. Take out the mythic beasts and monsters from Age of Magic and you have the regular rules set that can be easily played out with archaeological proof to back up potential battles (mostly).

A lot to go but a startA lot to go but a start

Thus far I still haven’t quite finished blocking in the basic colors for my first unit of foot soldiers but its close enough for a photo. The details of interest for the fabric will come. The second unit has been built and primed to await attention and affection via paint. I’m rather pleased to see them on trays. My next goal, after these warriors/levy are done, is a unit of cavalry that is built/primed with base texture material on the movement trays.

Humble beginningsHumble beginnings

Seeing the trays from bare MDF and how they develop to looking good is very helpful to my sense of accomplishment. The cavalry has been different from the soldiers because of the number and shape of bases. They both hold together the units visually and since the same basing material is in play it all ties together. Considering that, I think the display piece of the swordwoman will be a separate  entity relevant to the idea but not so much a part of the playing army.

Going back to the fantastic there are gears turning in the background for additions to be announced in future. For now the bog standard human element of my army is being taken care of.

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Cult of Games Member

He’s stuck in an example…. or is it Saga 😉

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