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Babylon 5 Returns

Babylon 5 Returns

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Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal . . . all alone in the night.

Tutoring 19
Skill 19
Idea 24

sub-assemblies mostly finished but now I have two decisions to make, the first is the central section of B5 rotates as it is supposed to, so do I build it like that which may make painting and varnishing an issue to prevent sticking?

In the original build plans they suggest using the grey plastic as the base colour, hence no need to worry about paint gumming up the works. I don’t know if I will do that but I shall definitely consider attempting to leave it free standing.

Second and bigger decision is regarding the base below, I had never planned to use it, being a heckin’ chonker as I believe the kids say. I thought about ordering clear perspex bases and slotting the stands into them instead, but the more I look at it the more I think.. sod it and keep the stand. What do the three of you guys reading this think?

Our Last Best Hope... For Basing?Our Last Best Hope... For Basing?

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Cult of Games Member

Grey plastic base colour? Heathens.

How does basing work in ABS? Will the chunky momma obstruct gameplay? If it doesn’t I’d be s bit tempted to keep it as you will probably have this sat prominently on a shelf somewhere most of the time.

Side note, I used to have a model Star Fury fighter which I suspect was from the same range. Shame it got trashed, would have been fun to tackle it again knowing what I do now!


Sad to hear of the passing of Delenn. Not the first of the B5 cast to go beyond the rim, we already lost G’kar, Vir, Garibaldi, Zack Allen, Doctor Franklin and Commander Sinclair… (didn’t know so many had died)

I loved this series and all it’s flawed characters.

It’s such a shame that the spinoffs failed… Rangers had potential.

I have two versions of the RPG boxed up somewhere.

It’s about time I blew the dust off my boxed sets of dvd’s. Where did I park my Starfury?

Interesting project too…

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