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Collins Does Orktober

Collins Does Orktober

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Da Boss and his Retinue

Tutoring 9
Skill 13
Idea 12
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Ive now done the 6 (out of 5!) Nobz from the black reach set and the black reach warboss too.

I found an additional nob body but not enough heads and arms. ive been forced to use normal ork heads and arms to make a dodgy bonus nob. It’s like that weird ‘grab my strong hand’ from scary movie or scream or whatever it was back in the early 00’s

The warboss is the only model that I’ve done additional highlights. I went a shade of green lighter (skarsnik green) and actually did some highlights on the red clothing too rather than leaving it as a beige drybrush.

I think when I’ve done the army I might go back and do lots more highlights like on this warboss on all the other models. It really depends on how much steam I have left in me by the end of the horde.

So that’s 43 models painted out of 88 that I’ve managed to salvage so far. yes sadly there will be wastage. more on that when I get to the end of this army.

Solid 49% completed! whoop!

Da Boss and his Retinue
Da Boss and his Retinue
Da Boss and his Retinue

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