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From here to Infinity

From here to Infinity

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PanO light infantry

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4

Now this is what I‘ve been up to with my PanO test miniature. After putting all the base colors on I couldn‘t stand but applying Soft Tone to the 2Tone brown trousers and still think that was the right decision as I feel comfortable with how to go on from there (having already built up the VMC Flat Earth side of the pants with addition of white to the color and just one step shy of the final highlights).

With the armor on the other hand I applied the base (VMC Dark Prussian blue) and afterwards mixed in more and more VMC Green Blue and finally pure white to get the color lighter and lighter until it was nearly all white in the end with only a hint of blue. And what I tried when painting the armor was to reflect light falling on metal…DISCLAIMER: this is by no means NMM painting but just playing around with reflection or rather what I feel it could look like. In the end though I decided to put on a very light blue wash (by Army Painter) to tie everything together a little bit more.

I call the armor ready by now…might come back to it when the whole miniature is finished and do some touch ups, but I will have it sit until then. Here are some impressions of my WIP on my first ever SciFi / Infinity model.


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Cult of Games Member

He looks good! Also, well done for having the guts to try some new techniques. I think you made a good choice in choosing a sci-fi range to experiment on. I always find myself being conservative with my historicals in the name of keeping things consistent and accurate. But I’ve recently found that doing the odd fantasy miniature allows me to experiment with a new technique that I can then bring across to my historicals once I know they work. On the zenithal highlight, I‘ve found that you can get a good result with a spray can, but you do… Read more »

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