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Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near!  - Volsunga Saga

Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near! - Volsunga Saga

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Building the Werewolves

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Hi everyone,

Over the weekend I managed to put the werewolves together which I will use as creatures.  I bought these babies from the first or second Kickstarter from TTCombat.  They had an offer of 6 for the price of 3 – i.e. two of each.  They were being offer at a discount vis-a-vis the retail price at the time.

I have to say that I really like these models and I give them an ‘A‘ for concept and design, but a ‘B-‘ for casting. Two of the models came with big air bubbles on their snouts, the one on all fours had very ill fitting parts and most had broken parts (which I blame the packaging and postal service for in equal measure.

I needed four for the unit, so I took one of each of the three different models and another of the models with the air bubble snout (which I cut up and reposition slightly to add diversity).

The batch ready for assemly.The batch ready for assemly.
The two snout offenders.The two snout offenders.
One of the models that came with broken ears.One of the models that came with broken ears.
The repositioned model to the left and nose reconstruction.The repositioned model to the left and nose reconstruction.
Ready for priming and painting.Ready for priming and painting.

Hopefully I will post more tomorrow night.  Probably the characters.  Until then stay safe and have fun.


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