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French Chasseurs a Cheval

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 3
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French Chasseurs a Cheval

Undercoated in Scale 75 Instant Primer Ice Charm

Horse Flesh a Mix of

  • Contrast Gore-Grunta Fur
  • Contrast Cygore Brown or Wildwood (cant remember)
  • Contrast Skeleton Horde
  • Contrast Aggaros Dunes

To give some variation in shades ive given a few of these more that one coat

For the Tails and mains i manly mixed up the above with the addition of some black templar.

Leather is all back templar

Pack on horse is Waagh Flesh, im not super happy with the green but its what I had on hand, i gave it a shade of Coelia Greenshare to get something more like what i was after.

Sheepskin is Rakarth Flesh as that was the first color i spotted (this paint is terriable by the way and i nearly threw it out, split terriable and with solid lumps in it)

I then gave most of the horse and the sheepskin a wash in Armypaint soft tone 3-2 with mixing medium before a final Praxiti white drybrush on the sheepskins.

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