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Collins Does Solo RPG 'The Wretched'

Collins Does Solo RPG 'The Wretched'

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Day 15 since the incident

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Music (Between the Stars – Chris Bissette)

Day 15, salvage ship The Wretched, Flight Engineer Collins Reporting.

Today I found the magic button. Before when farting about trying to fix the engines I was using percussive maintenance to solve many issues, primarily with the maintenance jack. It’s a cracking tool and is a jack of all but sometimes you really need the right tool for the right job. And in this instance I really needed the Ion Torch. I suspect it’s the prime reason that I couldn’t get them sealed up tight last time I took them apart. It was in the most unlikely of places, on top of a locker near a grate that was half cut. Whenever it all went south Powell must have been working in this area at the time. Don’t know what he was doing trying to cut the grate off, seems a bit of an odd thing to do but then what do I know.

I spent most of the day taking apart the section of engine I think the main problem with pressure was in, cleaning it again, rebuilding and Ion sealing the parts that I think needed it. I’m reasonably confident I did a good enough job of it. Most of the job was quite neat too, took a little while to get used to how the torch works but imagine having the right tools for the right job all the time.

The next part of fixing the engines and priming them for a restart was to reset sections of the mainframe, it would allow for a clean warm up, priming and then firing.

I had to get the Captain’s keycard to bypass the do not pass line on the bridge and descend into the bowels of the ship to the mainframe. I found it surprisingly easy to force the restart. I was expecting several layers of security with passcodes, phrases and prayers to the digital ship controlling gods. None of it was needed and the mainframe even knew I wasn’t the captain and guided me through the process I wanted to do. Seemed needlessly helpful, clearly the computer knows what is happening and who is now left in charge, even if it is only in charge by default. I ran several diagnostic checks on key elements. A lot of the same errors I had seen from the bridge were noted. The engines were still listed as a critical failure. It didn’t indicate dangerous, only critical so I think it might be something that’s bunged up the software somehow. Once I’ve fired them up and they’re running I’m sure a lot of the critical part of the error will disappear. I’ll know what parts of the engine do and don’t work with optimum efficiency then. And to be fair, I don’t need beautifully purring kitten engines. I need simple limp home and minor directional control engines. We’ll see.

With everything prepped I decided to take a break and eat some dinner. I had flame grilled mixed meats, gluten block and a salad of mixed veg and leaves. Was rather tasty. In about an hour or so I’ll try and restart this puppy and they and do a solid bit of self-rescue. Wish me luck!

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