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That was an awfully big Marine

That was an awfully big Marine

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More work on the base

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Having broke the base down, it was time to build it up again. The plan was to show the marine landing on some concrete, breaking it up.

I grabbed some 5mm (ish) cork and broke off a biscuit about the size of the base. I made a hole for the marine’s foot. And then …

More work on the base

Then I just broke up the cork and glued it on to the base fairly at random.

The chunks of cork were just super glued on, with contact points of varying quality. I packed some Milliput into the gaps to give the whole thing a bit of strength. Although I doubt I’ll ever play with this miniature I always have an eye on making things strong enough.

The brown stuff is fine model railway ballast. It’s there to add a bit of texture to the concrete chunks – and particularly to the gaps in between.

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