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That was an awfully big Marine

That was an awfully big Marine

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Finishing the base - for now

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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That’s enough texture. I slapped on some more primer. There are a couple of patches of cork brown showing. They’ll be a lot less obvious once the real paint is down.

I then painted the ballast Model Colour US Field Drab, and the concrete slabs in Model Colour Stone Grey, buy not too precisely, and mixing the two a bit.

I finished with a drybrush of Model Colour Buff, and a lighter drybrush of Model Colour Pale Sand. I then tidied up the rim with another coat of US Field Drab.

That’ll do for the base now. I’ll probably do a bit more work on it when the miniature’s finished, to tie the two together. That’s quite a lot updates just for the base. I’ll get on with the more interesting bits.

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