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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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Its the end of the path, for now...

Tutoring 12
Skill 14
Idea 13

Finally, my Path of Conquest army is ready to march to war!

Thanks to the slow grow league keeping me focussed its great to finally line up a full army shot and even though the units were all painted to a very basic level im really pleased with how they look en masse.

A friend of mine has also just got his 2000 point Spire army painted so come May 17th there will be a battle report!


From the fringes of the Hiundred Kingdoms the Noble (but minor) Lord Salocin leads his host to war!From the fringes of the Hiundred Kingdoms the Noble (but minor) Lord Salocin leads his host to war!
Lord Salocin and his trusted Household Guard (with Armsmaster Kurt Von Vessail)Lord Salocin and his trusted Household Guard (with Armsmaster Kurt Von Vessail)
Not fully trusted by Salocin, the Imperial Officer Sir Beaumont and his elite Steel Legion (with grizzled drillmaster Boris)Not fully trusted by Salocin, the Imperial Officer Sir Beaumont and his elite Steel Legion (with grizzled drillmaster Boris)
Escorted by her retinue of Men at Arms, Lady Helena brings her arcane knowledge to the fieldEscorted by her retinue of Men at Arms, Lady Helena brings her arcane knowledge to the field
His exalted eminence Rodrigo De Montoya and his flockHis exalted eminence Rodrigo De Montoya and his flock
The War CouncilThe War Council

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Cult of Games Member

Fabulous work on the figures @hazyboy75 congratulations on the gold button.

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