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Begun, another Legion project has.

Begun, another Legion project has.

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*Rogering Intensifies*

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Roger-Roger! Roger-Roger! Roger-Roger!

Roger-Roger! Roger-Roger! Roger-Roger!

Roger-Roger! Roger-Roger! Roger-Roger!

Roger-Roger! Roger-Roger! Roger-Roger!

All four squads of B1 Battle Droids are complete and rebased!  That is the backbone of the army ready and the biggest chunk of batch painting out of the way.  Phew!

I decided to go with squad markings on the backpacks and on the shoulders of the squad leaders.  In true Lloyd shot fashion, I should be looking at them for most of the battle so that made sense to me.

Just to satisfy my curiosity of how the clear basing was working out, I did a quick mat check and I think it is coming together pretty well. I haven’t tried clear basing before so that’s a relief!

Squad markings.Squad markings.
Grass mat test.Grass mat test.
Desert mat test.Desert mat test.
Long distance shot!Long distance shot!

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