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Epic spring clean

Epic spring clean

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Jet bikes and tanks

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 12
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Getting  inspiration from the image below so the Alaitoc’s will be sporting the yellow tiger falcons of old. All Falcons were Primed black. Then sprayed bone white followed by filthy brown from below and finally another coat of bone white from above. Then spray Sun yellow. Then the canon got a coat of bloody red. The edges of the Falcons got a light tone wash. Then gems and canopy’s got a coat of silver followed by a gloss. The large dome then got a coat of Talassar blue, the middle two got a coat of warp lightning and the gems got a coat of soulstone blue. The two side panels then got several coats of acrylic ink white.

Jet bikes and tanks

The jet bike are being painted as the Saim-Hann wild riders as you get them for free in second addition SpaceMarine.  The base got a coat of the pumice texture. Then Primed black. Then sprayed bone white followed by filthy brown from below and finally another coat of bone white from above. They then got sprayed with a 50/50 mix of hot orange and bloody red followed by a bloody red coat from above. The rider and the underside of the bike then got a red tone wash. Then helmets were then painted white with the ink.

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