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Dark Future to Gas Lands

Dark Future to Gas Lands

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Digging out some old inspiration

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 12
Having a rummage through my old rulebook file for Dark Future i found a letter I got in 1988 when I win a £5 voucher off the game which was £20 at the time. I like that it was written from the point of view of Red Harvest one of the op charactersHaving a rummage through my old rulebook file for Dark Future i found a letter I got in 1988 when I win a £5 voucher off the game which was £20 at the time. I like that it was written from the point of view of Red Harvest one of the op characters
Back when white dwarf had hole punch markers to encourage you to rip out the articles and put in a ring binder. It may have ruined a lot if magazines but I still have all my Dark Future articles in one place.Back when white dwarf had hole punch markers to encourage you to rip out the articles and put in a ring binder. It may have ruined a lot if magazines but I still have all my Dark Future articles in one place.
Digging out some old inspiration
Digging out some old inspiration
Digging out some old inspiration

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graystoakartemis5150 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Spot on. I have a similar set up for mine. I still use the Dark Future rules as they are a cracking ruleset.

Cult of Games Member

Wow this bring back some happy memories! Will be following your progress.

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