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From the workbench of Zebraoutrider

From the workbench of Zebraoutrider

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The ‘Up to No Good’, ‘The Bad’ and ‘The Ugly’…

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
A triumvirate of evil. A male sorcerer accompanied by his faithful and strong bodyguard as well as his apprentice spellcaster. All Reaper Miniatures undercoated black and mounted on 30mm lipped bases. A triumvirate of evil. A male sorcerer accompanied by his faithful and strong bodyguard as well as his apprentice spellcaster. All Reaper Miniatures undercoated black and mounted on 30mm lipped bases.
The wise one… model chosen Reaper Miniatures LEISYNN, MERCENARIES MAGE SKU: 14060 Sculpted by Tim Prow. One of my all time favourite minis from one of my favourite sculptors - what’s not to like. He’s described as a mercenary mage, but with that snake staff, tome, skull iconography and demeanour, l just think he aligns more to the evil side of things rather than good. Probably Neutral Evil. The wise one… model chosen Reaper Miniatures LEISYNN, MERCENARIES MAGE SKU: 14060 Sculpted by Tim Prow. One of my all time favourite minis from one of my favourite sculptors - what’s not to like. He’s described as a mercenary mage, but with that snake staff, tome, skull iconography and demeanour, l just think he aligns more to the evil side of things rather than good. Probably Neutral Evil.
The strong one… model chosen Reaper Miniatures TALARAND, BLACKGUARD SKU: 02789 Sculpted by Tim Prow. Again a great mini with an imposing pose! Reminds me of the bad guys on the original Conan the Barbarian film. Added a Word Bearer 40K shoulder transfer to his tabard. The strong one… model chosen Reaper Miniatures TALARAND, BLACKGUARD SKU: 02789 Sculpted by Tim Prow. Again a great mini with an imposing pose! Reminds me of the bad guys on the original Conan the Barbarian film. Added a Word Bearer 40K shoulder transfer to his tabard.
The charismatic one… model chosen Reaper Miniatures LAURANA, SORCERESS Sculpted by Dennis Mize  SKU: 02621. Another loose mini I picked up second hand and restored. Tried to keep the mascara in the eyes and used blue pen for the tattoos. Added a chaos space marine shoulder pad transfer to the front of skirt. Again a lovely little mini that doesn’t look much until painted and based. The charismatic one… model chosen Reaper Miniatures LAURANA, SORCERESS Sculpted by Dennis Mize SKU: 02621. Another loose mini I picked up second hand and restored. Tried to keep the mascara in the eyes and used blue pen for the tattoos. Added a chaos space marine shoulder pad transfer to the front of skirt. Again a lovely little mini that doesn’t look much until painted and based.
The truly ugly one… model chosen from the box of loose minis Citadel Miniatures  C23 Chaos Ogre Sculptor Jes Goodwin 1985. Another great mini that I’ve been waiting for the excuse to paint and I may loan some of these guys to Thomas’s on going quest as some notable foes to defeat? The truly ugly one… model chosen from the box of loose minis Citadel Miniatures C23 Chaos Ogre Sculptor Jes Goodwin 1985. Another great mini that I’ve been waiting for the excuse to paint and I may loan some of these guys to Thomas’s on going quest as some notable foes to defeat?
An evil party gets together. Wouldn’t like to meet them down a dark dungeon! ? Next up another sort through the loose figures box for another collection to build. The inspiration continues… An evil party gets together. Wouldn’t like to meet them down a dark dungeon! ? Next up another sort through the loose figures box for another collection to build. The inspiration continues…

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Cult of Games Member

Sure the bases are gorgeous but the free hand on the scrolls and book are jaw dropping.

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