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From Hells heart I stab at thee

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment

Ok, so they say that “Necessity is the mother of invention”. I have a ship combat game coming up for a store that is expanding. We are playing 40k Apocalypse and using capitol ships as well as titans. Right now all I have is the one. I started out making a different top for the single, but when the other ship commander started explaining how many guns are on 40k ships i started coming up with ideas that wouldnt fit on the ship layout that I currently have. So I turned to tinkercad and started messing about. I hope to have a fully laden gun ship. right now the plan is to have a command tower, three battleship guns, one orbital cannon, lots of small cannon around the ship and a air lock so that small titans can drop out or have a droppod hanging. right now i only have a few pics

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Cult of Games Member

Is that new project picture the “String of War” or are you saying “no strings attached”?

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